Discover Texas Health

Our Commitment to Healthcare Transparency

One of the most significant challenges facing our nation and our state is making the healthcare system more affordable while maintaining and improving its quality. The nation has endorsed the Triple Aim objectives: improve the health of the population served, improve each individual’s experience, and make healthcare services affordable.

A key strategy in meeting the Triple Aim revolves around transparency. Transparency publicly reports high-cost and quality information to patients, providers, and purchasers to enable value-based healthcare decision-making. Discover Texas Health is committed to addressing our nation’s healthcare challenges through transparency in data reporting.

The Center for Health Care Data is the only Qualified Entity in Texas.

Dashboard Overview

Discover Texas Health consists of seven distinct dashboards that cover topics such as healthcare costs, utilization of medical services, and information on conditions that affect many individuals in Texas. A variety of data sources were used to compile each dashboard. Data covers the years 2015-2021. The dashboard contains information of Texans of all ages, including an aggregated 65+ population that is drawn from multiple data sources.

Aggregate Report

The Aggregate Report Dashboard provides information on aggregated results for cost, prevalence, quality, and utilization based on selections of variables.


The Cost Dashboard provides information on healthcare costs by coverage type, overall, age, and gender.


The Utilization Dashboard provides information on the volume of medical services delivered by coverage type, overall, age, and gender.


The Condition Dashboard provides information on the prevalence of a variety of medical conditions as well as the incidence of selected types of strokes. Please review the User Guide to the Discover Texas Health for the full list of conditions.


The Quality dashboard provides information on quality metrics for several diseases by coverage type, overall, age, and gender. Currently, we report on quality measures for those with diabetes and asthma.


The Risk dashboard provides information on estimates of clinical risk for each individual patient using a combination of codes identified from medical and pharmacy claims and a history of resource utilization using a copyrighted formula by 3M.

Non-Medical Drivers of Health (NMDOH)

The NMDOH dashboard comprises data reported from multiple sources and grouped as outlined in the County Health Rankings 2019 Texas Report. Results were converted to a score between 1-5, with 1 representing the most favorable level and 5 being the most hazardous level.

Data Sources

The dashboard is updated as additional years of data become available.

  • Medicaid
  • Medicare Fee for Service (FFS)
  • Medicare Advantage (MA)
  • Medicare Supplement (Med Sup)
  • Commercial Claims
  • A combination of Non-Medical Drivers of Health data