Taking Physical Activity Beyond the School Walls featuring Dr. Jim Sallis

Speaker: James "Jim" Sallis, PhD
Length: $conWebinar.length minutes

Our guest this month will be Dr. Jim Sallis, Distinguished Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health, and Chief of the Division of Behavioral Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Sallis was one of the original investigators for the first CATCH trial in the 1980s. 

Dr. Sallis has worked with multiple community agencies and has written extensively about community youth physical activity promotion. He is a frequent consultant to government agencies, research programs, health organizations, and corporations through the United States and internationally. He served on the editorial committee for the 1996 US Surgeon General’s Report Physical Activity and Health and is on the editorial boards of several journals. 

In this webinar we will talk about some opportunities to get kids active outside of the school day such as, active commuting, after school programs, shared use agreements, park design, and youth sports.