Texas Research-to-Policy Collaboration Project

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The Texas Research-to-Policy Collaboration (TX RPC) Project is a network of non-partisan health researchers in Texas to support policymakers’ legislative priorities in preparation for the Texas Legislative Session. The TX RPC Project provides data-driven information that is tailored to legislative districts, which can be a powerful tool for developing and implementing health policies in Texas. The TX RPC Project supports legislators by:

  1. Providing Texas-level data and research
  2. Sharing current research on health issues
  3. Establishing partnerships between researchers and policymakers

RPC overview 2023 Health Policy RPC cover

TX RPC Overview

TX RPC Health Policy Resource

Please contact Tiffni Menendez and Rachel Linton should you be interested in joining the TX RPC Project.


The Texas RPC project is conducted by the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at the UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin, with project funding provided by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. 

For more information, email [email protected]

The Texas Research-to-Policy Collaboration Project team and research network are available to support Texas policymakers with informational requests or resources related to health topics, during the interim and throughout the 2023 Legislative Session.  Please direct requests to [email protected]