Safe Streets for Everyone? Implications of School and Municipal Policies on Safe Routes to School Implementation and Equity

Speaker: Sarah S. Bentley, MPH Research Coordinator UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Austin & Leigh Ann Ganzar, DrPH, MPH Senior Evaluator Professional Data Analysts
Length: 1:01:01 minutes

Sarah S. Bentley, MPH, is the project director for the STREETS Study (Safe Travel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools), a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded project to evaluate the City of Austin’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiative. Before working at the Center, Sarah was the director of community relations at AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine for 10 years. 

Leigh Ann Ganzar, DrPH, MPH, is a Senior Evaluator for Professional Data Analysts (PDA), a public health research and evaluation firm, where she works on active transportation and policy, systems, and environmental program evaluations. Prior to PDA, Leigh Ann served as a post-doctoral research fellow with UTHealth Houston School of Public Health, where she focused on child physical activity and built environment research through the Safe TRavel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools (STREETS) study.

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