Spanish MINDSET: Expanding and Validating a Self-Management Tool for the Hispanic Community

The goal of this 5-year Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Collaborating Center Special Interest Project is to develop a Spanish version of an epilepsy self-management decision-support system and test the efficacy of both the Spanish and English versions on epilepsy self-management in Hispanic patients attending four clinic sites near the Mexico border in Arizona and Texas.

The Management Information Decision Support Tool (MINDSET) was developed as a tablet based clinical aid for both patients and health-care provides (HCP) to promote shared informed treatment and behavioral change decision-making. MINDSET uses data input from the patient to create a patient profile and an action plan tailored to the patient's self-management problem behaviors (with recommended behavior goals and strategies) for review by the patient and Health Care Provider (HCP) during the clinic consultation. MINDSET can be completed in English or Spanish and provides information gathering, screening, and real-time cues to enhance self-management discussion during clinic visits.

MINDSET title screen

Figure 1. MINDSET title screen

Patients using MINDSET

Figure 2. Patients using MINDSET

MINDSET data collection screens

My Epilepsy
Questions cover medical history, seizure, medication and lifestyle management.

Figure 3. My Epilepsy

My Goals
Patient selects up to 3 goals per visit for seizure, medication, and lifestyle management. For each goal, patients selects strategies for improvement and assesses self-confidence.

Figure 4. My Goals

Action Plan (printout)

Summarizes patient's medical history, selected self-management goals and strategies and self-confidence in their selections. Indicates improvement over time.

Figure 5. Action Plan printout

Project Details

University of Texas Health Science Center:
Charles Begley, PhD
Ross Shegog, PhD

University of Arizona, Department of Neurology:
David Labiner, MD
Jenny Chong, PhD
Refugio Sepulveda

Epilepsy Foundation:
Kimberly Martin