Breakfast Consumption

The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living is developing a series of reports, Healthy Children, Healthy State, to raise awareness of child health risk factors in order to develop new programs and actions, and to build on current initiatives in Texas. The Breakfast Consumption one-pager showcases the current state of breakfast consumption for children in Texas.

This report was released on February 9, 2022 and utilizes 2019 - 2020 TX SPAN data.

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Eating breakfast at home decreases with age, 57.8% of 2nd graders compared to 32.5% of 11th graders. We must improve breakfast consumption in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth #HealthyChildrenHealthyState

Not eating breakfast can affect children's overall nutritional status and academic achievement. We must improve breakfast consumption in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth #HealthyChildrenHealthyState


13.9% of non-border 8th graders eat breakfast at school compared to 34.4% of border 8th graders. We must improve breakfast consumption in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth

Eating breakfast is associated with improved academic achievement, reduced school absenteeism, healthier body weight, improved overall nutrition, and improved mood. We must improve breakfast consumption in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth