Live Smart Texas World Obesity Day Summit

Series: Live Smart Texas

Speaker: Live Smart Texas and Guests
Length: 3:52:47 minutes

Live Smart Texas observed World Obesity Day with a summit highlighting the impact of obesity and how we can work together to address its many root causes.

Welcome by Leah Whigham, PhD, FTOS and Keynote by Tom Farrey

Dr. Whigham, Director of the UTHealth Center for Community Health Impact, Secretary/Treasurer & Fellow of The Obesity Society, will provide welcoming comments and highlight the importance of World Obesity Day to recognize obesity is a disease, raising awareness and improving understanding of its root causes and the actions needed to address them.

Tom Farrey, Executive Director, Sports & Society Program at the Aspen Institute, is dedicated to improving the world through sports. He founded the Sports & Society Program to convene leaders, facilitate dialogue and inspire solutions that can help sports serve the public interest. Two years later, Project Play, its signature initiative, was launched to help stakeholders build healthy communities.

Quick presentations from LST Steering Committee

State of Obesity in Texas presented by the Partnership for a Healthy Texas

A panel of Texas leaders will share highlights from the “State of Obesity in Texas” report and discuss issues and some policy solutions for addressing the obesity crisis in this volatile time. Panelists include: Dr. David Lakey (UT System), Dr. Alma A Allen (TX State Rep) and Patricia Garza (Principal, Solomon Ortiz Elementary)

Closing Remarks by Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, LD, CNS, FISBNPA

Dr. Hoelscher, Regional Dean, UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin, will close out the day with a presentation on the Texas School Physical Activity and Nutrition (Texas SPAN) Survey. She is the Principal Investigator of the Texas SPAN Survey funded by the Texas Department of State Health Service; this study established a surveillance system to monitor the prevalence of overweight/obesity in school-aged children in Texas, and has been conducted since 2000.

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