Using the SPAN Data Explorer and Texas Child Health Status Reports for Policy Impact
Speaker: Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RD, LD, CNS, FISBNPA and Joel Romo
Length: 45:23 minutes
The Texas School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) online data explorer provides representative data on child health by state or region. Texas SPAN is a surveillance system used to monitor the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school-aged children as well as factors that underlie obesity, including dietary behaviors, nutrition knowledge and attitudes, and physical activity behaviors. The Texas Child Health Status Reports utilize SPAN data to showcase the status of child health in Texas in order to raise awareness of child health risk factors. The Status Reports can be used to develop new programs and actions, and to build on current initiatives in Texas.
Joel Romo,
VP of Governmental Affairs, The Cooper Institute
Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, LD, CNS, FISBNPA,
Regional Dean, UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin
Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living