Brighter Bites: Evolution, Impact, and Expansion

Speaker: Sharma, Pomeroy, Newman
Length: 59:23 minutes

Brighter Bites Co-Founder Dr. Shreela Sharma, Executive Director Samuel Newman, and Senior Program Director Mike Pomeroy as they discuss how Brighter Bites evolved from a small home-grown idea into an evidence-based public health program that impacts tens of thousands of families. You’ll also learn about the expansion of Brighter Bites, specifically what it takes to expand a local program to a national level and how to manage that growth from afar.


Shreela Sharma, PhD
Co-Founder, Brighter Bites
Associate Professor of Epidemiology 
Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living 
UTHealth School of Public Health 

Mike Pomeroy, MPH
Senior Program Director
Brighter Bites

Samuel Newman, MBA
Executive Director
Brighter Bites