Changes to Food Insecurity and Food Access in Austin During COVID-19

Series: Our Food System and Food Insecurity During COVID-19: Stories from Across the State.

Speaker: Kathryn Janda, Sam Night, Heather Helman, Alexandra van den Berg
Length: 58:56 minutes

Part two of five of our webinar series "Our Food System and Food Insecurity During COVID-19: Stories from Across the State.”

COVID-19 has impacted all aspect of our lives, including how and where we have access to food. In Austin, over the past 3 months, access to affordable food has become more limited and food insecurity has increased dramatically, especially among populations hardest hit by the economic consequences of COVID-19. As a result, the City of Austin, food non-profit organizations and academic organizations are working together to ensure that all families in Austin have access to affordable food. In this Webinar, we will discuss data obtained through the United Way of Greater Austin hot line food related calls, the City response, and an example by Farmshare of one organization which was able to pivot to address the new needs.

Presented by:

Heather Helman
Food Access Director, Farmshare Austin

Kathryn Janda, PhD, MPH
Postdoctoral Fellow, UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin-NCI Cancer Control Research Training Program

Sam Night, MPAff
Food Policy Planner, City of Austin Office of Sustainability

Moderated by:

Alexandra van den Berg, PhD, MPH
Associate Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living
Professor of Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences, UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin

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