Emily T. Hébert, DrPH

Photo of Emily T. Hébert

Assistant Professor, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences
[email protected]

Emily T. Hébert, DrPH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences. She received her DrPH in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences from the UTHealth School of Public Health Austin Location in 2016. Her research focuses on the use of mobile technology for health behavior evaluation and intervention. She is interested in the potential for technology such as smartphones, sensors, and social media to improve research methodology and expand the reach of evidence-based prevention and treatment, especially among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. She is the recent recipient of a K99/R00 award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to use supervised machine learning to predict smoking lapse using EMA and passively collected sensor data, and to evaluate the feasibility of delivering a personalized, just-in-time adaptive intervention driven by machine learning in real time.

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