Taking it to the STREETS: Evaluating health effects of Safe Routes to School infrastructure changes in Austin, Texas

Speaker: STREETS Staff
Length: 57:17 minutes

In coordination with the approaching Bike to School day on May 5, 2021, this webinar will highlight the importance of active travel to school, and a current Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiative that seeks to improve child health by creating safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle or walk to and from school through transportation projects centered around schools. The 2016 City of Austin Mobility Bond included $27.5 million allocated for large-scale, transformative SRTS infrastructure projects such as ?new sidewalks, protected bike lanes, pedestrian islands, shared use paths, and pedestrian hybrid beacons. This initiative is one of the largest and most rigorously implemented SRTS built environment programs in a metropolitan area in the U.S. The UTHealth STREETS Study is evaluating the child health effects from these transformative infrastructure changes. Stakeholders from the City of Austin and the STREETS Study will present implementation and evaluation methods and preliminary data.


Leigh Ann Ganzar, DrPH
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UTHealth School of Public Health

Sarah Bentley, MPH
Research Assistant III, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at the UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin

Amir Emamian
Program Manager, Safe Routes to School, City of Austin, Public Works Department

Moderated by:

Deanna M. Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, LD, CNS, FISBNPA
Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at the UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin

Course Files