What Passed?

What Passed?

Coordinated School Health and Student Fitness Assessment
Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2011)
SB 1 Sen. Tommy Williams Passed Senate & House; signed by the Governor Allocates $5 million to fund the FitnessGram Program for the 2014-2015 biennium; for the purposes of physical fitness assessments and related analysis.
HB 2483 Rep. Carol Alvarado Passed House & Senate; signed by the Governor Adds oral health education as part of the coordinated school health program guidelines.
Physical Activity in School
Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2011)
HB 1018 Rep. Diane Patrick Passed House & Senate; signed by the Governor Requires Campus Improvement Plans include goals to increase physical activity and improve fitness among students. Similar bill SB 225 Failed to pass; left pending in Education Committee
Providing Meals to Public School Children
Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2011)
SB 376 Sen. Eddie Lucio Passed Senate & House; signed by the Governor Schools in which 80 percent or more students qualify for a free or reduced-price breakfast must provide breakfast to each student during school hours.
Food Taxes
Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2011)
SB 1151 Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa Passed Senate & House; signed by the Governor Expands tax break on food products to include certain snack foods (excluding unhealthy snacks).
Accessibility of Healthy Foods
Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2011)
HB 1382 Rep. David Simpson Passed House & Senate; signed by the Governor Relaxes some existing regulations & fees making it easier for sellers at farmers’ markets to provide cooking demonstrations and food samples to patrons.
Nutrition Education Programs
Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2011)
HB 2111 Rep. Mark Strama Passed House & Senate; signed by the Governor Adds services that will assist youth in developing skills in food preparation and nutrition education that promotes healthy food choices in the transitional living services program for certain youth in foster care.
HB 3401 Rep. Richard Peña Raymond Passed House & Senate; signed by the Governor Establishes an online nutrition and wellness education course that promotes healthy eating habits and a physically active lifestyle. The voluntary course will be promoted to individuals receiving certain state benefits.