School & After-School Care (K-12)

Bills that are relevant to school and after-school care research taking place at the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living can be viewed here.

School & After-School Care (K-12)

Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
HB 159 State Rep. Mary E. Gonzalez PASSED - Signed by the Governor on 6/4/21, effective 9/1/21 The board shall propose rules: specifying what each educator is expected to know and be able to do, particularly with regard to students with disabilitiesCompanion Bill: SB 180 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 572 State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. PASSED -  Signed by the Governor 6/14/21, Effective immediately For the purpose of offering during the 2022-2023 school year a dropout recovery competency-based educational pilot program to serve eligible students described by Section 12.203, the commissioner, subject to Subsection (b), may: (1) on the basis of an application submitted, grant a charter to an eligible entity for an open-enrollment charter school under Subchapter D to provide the program; (2) authorize an open-enrollment charter schools to provide the program; or (3) authorize a campus or campus program that has been granted a charter under Subchapter C to provide the program. Companion Bill: SB 880 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 699 State Rep. Jon E. Rosenthal PASSED - Signed by the Governor on 6/7/21, effective immediately A school district shall excuse a student from attending school for an absence resulting from a serious or life-threatening illness or related treatment that makes the student's attendance infeasible, if the student or the student's parent or guardian provides a certification from a qualified physician specifying the student's illness and the anticipated period of the student's absence relating to the illness or related treatment. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 725 State Rep. Jared Patterson PASSED - Signed by the Governor 6/4/21, Effective immediately Certain eligibilities for children in foster care to go to free pre kindergarten programs. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 785 State Rep. Alma A. Allen PASSED - Signed by the Governor on 6/4/21, effective immediately If a behavior improvement plan or a behavioral intervention plan is included as part of a student's individualized education program under Subsection (g), the committee shall review the plan at least annually and more frequently if appropriate. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 2287 State Rep. Senfronia Thompson PASSED - Signed by the Governor 6/15/21. Effective 9/1/21 The agency, in coordination with the task force, shall establish and maintain an electronic database of mental health services and trainings provided by school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to assist the task force and the institutions of higher education designated under Subsection (b) in evaluating mental health services. Companion Bill: SB 920 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 123 State Sen. Nathan Johnson PASSED - Signed by the Governor 6/14/21. Effective 9/1/21 The State Board of Education will integrate positive character traits, including social and emotional skills, into the essential knowledge and skills adopted for kindergarten through grade 12, as appropriate. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 179 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. PASSED - Signed by the Governor on 6/18/21, effective 9/1/21 The board of trustees of each school district shall adopt a policy that requires a school counselor to spend at least 80 percent of the school counselor's total work time on duties that are components of a counseling program developed under Section 33.005 Companion Bill: HB 589 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 204
State Sen. Charles Schwertner PASSED Signed by the Governor 6/14/21, Effective immediately A board of county school trustees or a school district board of trustees may establish and operate an economical public school transportation system. Companion Bill: HB 3129 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 776 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. PASSED - Signed by the Governor 6/14/21, Effective 9/1/21 The University Interscholastic League shall ensure students with disabilities have an opportunity to participate in team athletic activities by establishing an adaptive sports program. Companion Bill: HB 2193 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
Bills Below Failed to Make it through Legislative Process
HB 24 State Rep. Alex Dominguez Out of House Committee - 5/6/21 From funds appropriated for the purpose or any other available funds, the commissioner will distribute funds to each school district to provide at least one playground in the district that is inclusive and accessible for students with disabilities. Companion Bill: SB 520 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 57 State Rep. James Talarico Referred to Public Education - 2/25/21 Each school district that offers kindergarten through 12th grade will offer health, with emphasis on physical health, including the importance of proper nutrition and exercise. Companion Bill SB 229 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 81 State Rep. Eddie Rodriguez Out of House Committee - 4/27/21 A campus turnaround plan may permit a campus to operate as a community school. A plan to operate as a community school must include strategies and programs to coordinate academic, social, and health services and reduce barriers to learning through partnerships and service coordination. Companion Bill: SB 1581 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 181 State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry Referred to Public Education - 2/25/21 A school district or open-enrollment charter school will employ at least one full-time registered nurse at each campus of the district or school, and maintain an average ratio of not less than one full-time registered nurse for every 750 students enrolled at the district or school. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 303 State Rep. Nicole Collier Referred to Public Education - 2/25/21 In addition to any water test required by the Safe Drinking Water Act, each school district and open-enrollment charter school must conduct first-draw tap tests of potable water outlets every five years, before the start of the school year, to monitor the amount of lead in the water. A school does not have to perform a first-draw tao test if the school is in a lead free zone as determined by the Safe Drinking Water Act, or if the school has under 1,000 students and does not have the funding. Similar to HB 997 (2019); failed, committee report sent to Calendars. 
HB 325 State Rep. Donna Howard Referred to Public Health - 2/25/21 The department, for the primary purpose of establishing and maintaining a single repository of accurate, complete, and current immunization records to be used in aiding, coordinating, and promoting efficient and cost-effective communicable disease prevention and control efforts, shall establish and maintain an immunization registry. Companion Bill: SB 468 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 353 State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. Out of House Committee - 4/9/21 In the closing the gaps domain, the use of disaggregated data to demonstrate the differentials among students: (A) from different: (i) racial and ethnic groups, including African American and Hispanic students: (a) considered as a whole; and (b) disaggregated by sex; and (ii) socioeconomic backgrounds. Companion Bill: SB 393 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 434 State Rep. Keith Bell Left pending in House committee - 3/9/21 The State Board of Education by rule shall require that the curriculum requirements for the foundation high school program include a requirement that students successfully complete one credit in physical education. Companion Bill: SB 473 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 518 State Rep. Michelle Beckley Referred to Public Education - 3/1/21 The agency shall conduct a study regarding recommended standards for school district maintenance of facilities and custodial services, including a standard for appropriate custodial workloads to adequately maintain a school district's facilities. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 591 State Rep. Chris Turner Referred to Public Health - 3/1/21 Requires each student shall be fully immunized against bacterial meningitis. Companion Bill: SB 138 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 605 State Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins Out of House Committee - 5/3/21 Each school district shall adopt a healthy and safe school water plan. The plan must include provisions for: (1) periodic testing for lead in school water sources; and (2) reducing exposure to elevated levels of lead in school water sources. Companion Bill: SB 2053 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 640 State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues - 3/1/21 The principal of a public or private primary or secondary school or open-enrollment charter school, or a person designated to serve as the campus behavior coordinator under Section 37.0012, who suspects a student of engaging in harmful or illegal conduct that poses a serious risk to the student or other students at the school may, with consent from the parent or guardian of the student, search the student and the possessions of the student for evidence of a violation of the law or school policy. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 742 State Rep. DeWayne Burns Out of House Committee - 4/27/21 Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, if the commissioner approves an alternative accountability plan developed by a specialized support campus under Subsection (c), the commissioner shall determine, report, and consider the performance of students enrolled at the campus using that plan. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 807 State Rep. Gina Hinojosa Referred to Public Education - 3/1/21 The commissioner, in consultation with administrators of specialized support campuses, teachers at specialized support campuses, parents and guardians of students enrolled at specialized support campuses, and other stakeholders, by rule shall establish appropriate accountability guidelines under this chapter for use by a specialized support campus in developing an alternative accountability plan under Subsection (c) based on the specific student population served by the campus. The commissioner shall provide for public notice and comment in adopting rules under this subsection. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 828 State Rep. Mary E. Gonzalez Referred to Public Education - 3/1/21 Each school district that offers kindergarten through grade 12 shall offer, as a required curriculum disability studies. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 855 State Rep. Mary E. Gonzalez Referred to Public Education - 3/1/21 The agency and the coordinating board jointly shall conduct a study on the transition to higher education for public school students with disabilities. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 961 State Rep. DeWayne Burns Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues - 3/1/21 A peace officer, law enforcement officer, or school resource officer may not issue a citation to a child who is alleged to have committed a school offense unless the child is alleged to have committed the offense while the child was in a disciplinary alternative education program. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1015 State Rep. Steve Toth Referred to Public Education - 3/4/21 The comptroller shall establish and administer an education micro-grant pilot program to provide funding for certain education-related expenses of eligible children.  Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1302 State Rep. Ryan Guillen Bill passed the House - 5/16/21 School districts and campuses must be evaluated based on three domains of indicators of achievement adopted under this section. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1309 State Rep. Ryan Guillen Referred to Public Education - 3/4/21 School districts and campuses must be evaluated based on three domains of indicators of achievement adopted under this section. Companion Bill: SB 382 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1411 State Rep. Gary Gates No action taken in House committee - 5/4/21 A school district may, with the funds allotted under this section, provide a bus pass, [or] card for another transportation system, or prepaid fuel card to each student who is eligible to use the regular transportation system of the district but for whom the regular transportation system of the district is not a feasible method of providing transportation, including to a location at which students are provided work-based learning under the district's career and technology program. The commissioner by rule shall provide procedures for a school district to provide bus passes, [or] cards for another transportation system, or prepaid fuel cards to students under this subsection. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1594 State Rep. Alma A. Allen Referred to Public Education - 3/8/21 The Department of State Health Services School Health Advisory Committee established under Section 1001.0711, Health and Safety Code, shall develop model policies for the recess period during the school day that encourage constructive, age-appropriate outdoor playtime. The model policies must include guidelines for outdoor equipment and facilities on public school campuses that maximize the effectiveness of outdoor physical activity. Similar to HB 455 (2019); failed, vetoed by the Governor. Similar to SB 364 (2019); failed, committee report sent to Calendars. 
HB 1744 State Rep. Bobby Guerra Bill passed the House - 5/16/21 The agency shall develop a program of study for use in career and technology education programs that prepares and assists students in pursuing a career teaching: (1) bilingual education; (2) English as a second language; or (3) Spanish. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1811 State Rep. Valoree Swanson Referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism - 3/11/21 The commission shall use funds appropriated to the commission or consortium services fees collected from school districts under Section 441.224(b) to purchase online library resources for primary and secondary schools that meet the standards. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 2193 State Rep. Alex Dominguez Out of House Committee - 4/30/21 The University Interscholastic League shall ensure students with disabilities have an opportunity to participate in team athletic activities by establishing an adaptive sports program. Companion Bill: SB 776 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 2802 State Rep. Jay Dean Bill passed the House - 5/13/21 If, during a school year, a statewide disaster declared by the president of the United States under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Section 5121 et seq.) or by the governor under Chapter 418, Government Code, significantly disrupts school district operations, including in-person attendance, in a majority of school district in this state, the commissioner shall apply to the United States Department of Education for a waiver of the requirement under the Every Student Succeeds Act (20 U.S.C. Section 6301 et seq.) to administer assessment instruments during that school year. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3089 State Rep. Lacey Hull Out of House Committee - 5/3/21 The local school health advisory council shall meet at least four times each year. All meetings of the council must be conducted in compliance with Chapter 551, Government Code. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3129 State Rep. Dan Huberty Out of House Committee - 4/9/21 A board of county school trustees or a school district board of trustees may establish and operate an economical public school transportation system. Companion Bill: SB 204 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3148 State Rep. John H. Bucy III Referred to Public Education - 3/19/21 The commissioner by rule shall require the committee to develop a behavior improvement plan or a behavioral intervention plan under Section 29.0052 if appropriate for a student for whom the committee has developed an individualized education program. If the committee develops a behavior improvement plan or behavioral intervention plan, the plan must be included as part of the student's individualized education program and provided to each employee of the school district [teacher] with responsibility for educating or monitoring the student Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3406 State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond Referred to Public Education - 3/22/21 To the extent funds are available for the purpose, the agency shall establish a mobile Internet access hotspot grant program to provide grants to eligible school districts to facilitate distance learning. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3591 State Rep. Jacey Jetton Out of House Committee - 5/3/21 The agency shall establish a high-speed Internet access grant program to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to provide high-speed Internet to facilitate instruction and learning for students enrolled in the district or school. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3870 State Rep. Harold V. Dutton Jr. Referred to Public Education - 3/24/21 Students enrolling in public schools in this state shall be screened or tested, as appropriate, for dyslexia and related disorders at appropriate times in accordance with a program approved by the agency. The program must include screening at the end of the school year of each student in kindergarten and each student in the first grade. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3872 State Rep. Harold V. Dutton Jr. No action taken in House committee - 4/28/21 The local school health advisory council must consist of at least five members, with each member appointed by the board of trustees [shall appoint at least five members to the local school health advisory council]. A majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. One of those members shall serve as chair or co-chair of the council. Companion Bill: SB 442 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3880 State Rep. Harold V. Dutton Jr.

Bill passed the House - 5/16/21

Bill passed the Senate - 5/26/21

A student is eligible to participate in a school districts special education program if the student: (1) is not more than 21 years of age and has a visual or auditory impairment that prevents the student from being adequately or safely educated in public school without the provision of specially designed instruction [special services]; or (2) is at least three but not more than 21 years of age and has one or more of the following disabilities that prevents the student from being adequately or safely educated in public school without the provision of specially designed instruction. Companion Bill: SB 1694 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 4111 State Rep. James Talarico Referred to Public Education - 3/29/21 Each school district to which this section applies must employ a diversity, equity, and inclusion officer. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 4273 State Rep. Gina Hinojosa Referred to Public Education - 3/29/21 If the operations or in-person student attendance of a school district or open-enrollment charter school are substantially disrupted as a result of a declared disaster, the district school shall submit a report to the agency in accordance with Subsections (c) and (d). Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 4416 State Rep. James Talarico Referred to Public Education - 3/29/21 A school district peace officer or school resource officer shall complete the school districts comprehensive training program on dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment as required by Section 37.0831. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 78 State Sen. Borris L. Miles Referred to Education - 3/3/21 School has to notify parents if it does not have a nurse, school counselor, or librarian assigned to the school during all instructional hours. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 138 State Sen. Nathan Johnson Referred to Health & Human Services - 3/3/21 Requires each student shall be fully immunized against bacterial meningitis. Companion Bill: HB 591 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 174 State Sen. Borris L. Miles Referred to Education - 3/3/21 The agency shall advise school districts regarding training materials and resources for a school district to use in assisting educators. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 180 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. Out of Senate Committee - 4/30/21 The board shall propose rules: (1) specifying what each educator is expected to know and be able to do, particularly with regard to students with disabilities. Companion Bill: HB 159 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 229 State Sen. Nathan Johnson Referred to Education - 3/3/21 The agency shall advise school regarding training materials and resources for a school district to use in assisting educators to:(1) develop civics projects and methods of teaching as described in Section 28.0022. Companion Bill HB 57 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 238 State Sen. Beverly Powell Referred to Education - 3/3/21 From funds appropriated for that purpose, the commissioner shall provide to a school district an annual allotment in the amount provided by appropriation for each student in average daily attendance. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 256 State Sen. Jose Menendez Referred to Education - 3/3/21 Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, an educator employed by a school district for the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 school year who resigned or retired from the educator's position after the 2019-2020 school year or during the 2020-2021 school year solely because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is entitled to: (1) reinstatement to the educator's former position or an equivalent position; and (2) reinstatement of any fringe benefits and seniority rights that the educator was entitled to before the educator's resignation or retirement. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 382 State Sen. Beverly Powell Referred to Education - 3/9/21 School districts and campuses must be evaluated based on three domains of indicators of achievement adopted under this section. Companion Bill: HB 1309
Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 393 State Sen. Borris L. Miles Left pending in Senate  committee - 4/27/21 In the closing the gaps domain, the use of disaggregated data to demonstrate the differentials among students: (A) from different: (i) racial and ethnic groups, including African American and Hispanic students: (a) considered as a whole; and (b) disaggregated by sex; and (ii) socioeconomic backgrounds. Companion Bill: HB 353 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 442 State Sen. Bryan Hughes

Bill passed the Senate - 4/19/21

Out of House committee 5/19/21.

The local school health advisory council must consist of at least five members, with each member appointed by the board of trustees [shall appoint at least five members to the local school health advisory council]. A majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. One of those members shall serve as chair or co-chair of the council. Companion Bill: HB 3872 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 468 State Sen. Judith Zaffirini Referred to Health & Human Services - 3/9/21 The department, for the primary purpose of establishing and maintaining a single repository of accurate, complete, and current immunization records to be used in aiding, coordinating, and promoting efficient and cost-effective communicable disease prevention and control efforts, shall establish and maintain an immunization registry. Companion Bill: HB 325 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 520 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. Referred to Education - 3/9/21 From funds appropriated for the purpose or any other available funds, the commissioner shall distribute funds to each school district to provide at least one playground in the district that is inclusive and accessible for students with disabilities. Companion Bill: HB 24 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 688 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. Referred to Education - 3/11/21 The commissioner shall develop and periodically update materials for use in evaluating the special education services provided to a student under this subchapter. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 880 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. Referred to Education - 3/11/21 For the purpose of offering during the 2022-2023 school year a dropout recovery competency-based educational pilot program to serve eligible students described by Section 12.203, the commissioner, subject to Subsection (b), may: (1) on the basis of an application submitted, grant a charter to an eligible entity for an open-enrollment charter school under Subchapter D to provide the program; (2) authorize an open-enrollment charter schools to provide the program; or (3) authorize a campus or campus program that has been granted a charter under Subchapter C to provide the program. Companion Bill: HB 572 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1581 State Sen. Judith Zaffirini Referred to Education - 3/24/21 A campus turnaround plan may permit a campus to operate as a community school. A plan to operate as a community school must include strategies and programs to coordinate academic, social, and health services and reduce barriers to learning through partnerships and service coordination. Companion Bill: HB 81 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1694 State Sen. Angela Paxton Referred to Education - 3/26/21 A student is eligible to participate in a school districts special education program if the student: (1) is not more than 21 years of age and has a visual or auditory impairment that prevents the student from being adequately or safely educated in public school without the provision of specially designed instruction [special services]; or (2) is at least three but not more than 21 years of age and has one or more of the following disabilities that prevents the student from being adequately or safely educated in public school without the provision of specially designed instruction. Companion Bill: HB 3880 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 2053 State Sen. Jose Menendez Referred to Education - 4/1/21 Each school district shall adopt a healthy and safe school water plan. The plan must include provisions for: (1) periodic testing for lead in school water sources; and (2) reducing exposure to elevated levels of lead in school water sources. Companion Bill: HB 605 Similar to HB 3053 (2019); failed, left pending in committee. 

Mental Health

Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
HB 287 State Rep. Mary E. Gonzalez Referred to Public Education - 2/25/21 Updates the guidelines of how many students per counselors are required in schools. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 589 State Rep. Mary E. Gonzalez Referred to Public Education - 3/1/21 The board of trustees of each school district shall adopt a policy that requires a school counselor to spend at least 80 percent of the school counselor's total work time on duties that are components of a counseling program developed under Section 33.005. Companion Bill: SB 179 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 771 State Rep. Steve Allison Referred to Public Education - 3/1/21 Each school district that offers kindergarten through grade 12 shall offer bullying and cyberbullying curriculum. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1713 State Rep. Alex Dominguez Referred to Public Education - 3/10/21 A school district with 500 or more students in average daily attendance shall employ a mental health professional for every 500 students in the district. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1726 State Rep. Steve Allison

Bill passed the House - 5/8/21

Referred to Senate Education - 5/12/21

The commissioner by rule shall require each school district and open-enrollment charter school to annually report through the Public Education Information Management System the number of reported incidents of bullying that have occurred at each campus. The commissioner's rules shall require a district or school to specify the number of incidents of bullying that included cyberbullying. Companion Bill: SB 407 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 2954 State Rep. Senfronia Thompson

Bill passed the House - 5/6/21

Out of House Committee - 5/24/21

To the extent funds are appropriated to the agency for that purpose, the agency shall establish a suicide prevention, intervention, and post-vention program for optional implementation at an elementary school campus of a school district described by Subsection (c). Companion Bill: SB 980 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3667 State Rep. John H. Bucy III Referred to Public Education - 3/22/21 The task force shall: (1) conduct a study on the issues related to the shortage of school psychologists among school districts, including supply and demand issues for school-based psychological services among districts; and (2) provide recommendations for increasing the presence of school psychologists in school districts and increasing the use of school-based psychological services, as needed. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 4257 State Rep. Penny Morales Shaw Out of House Committee - 5/6/21 A policy required by this section must address the district's plan for providing support to students, teachers, and district staff in the event of a crisis, including through methods such as mental health first aid and referrals to community providers for mental health services. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 178 State Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. Left pending in Senate committee - 3/18/21 A school district with 500 or more students in enrollment shall employ a school counselor for each school in the district. A school district shall employ at least one school counselor for every 500 students in the district. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 407 State Sen. Jose Menendez Referred to Education - 3/9/21 The commissioner by rule shall require each school district and open-enrollment charter school to annually report through the Public Education Information Management System the number of reported incidents of bullying that have occurred at each campus. The commissioner's rules shall require a district or school to specify the number of incidents of bullying that included cyberbullying. Companion Bill: HB 1726 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 920 State Sen. Beverly Powell Referred to Education - 3/11/21 The agency, in coordination with the task force, shall establish and maintain an electronic database of mental health services and trainings provided by school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to assist the task force and the institutions of higher education designated under Subsection (b) in evaluating mental health services. Companion Bill: HB 2287 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 980 State Sen. Beverly Powell Left pending in Senate committee - 4/20/21 The agency, in coordination with the task force, shall establish and maintain an electronic database of mental health services and trainings provided by school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to assist the task force and the institutions of higher education designated under Subsection (b) in evaluating mental health services. Companion Bill: HB 2954 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session

School and After-school Care Resources:

1. Physical Activity in Texas  

2. Interactive SPAN Data  

3. School Health Terminology  

4. Texas public school nutrition policy 

5. Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards 

6. Simple interventions to improve healthy eating behaviors in the school cafeteria 

7. Healthier Choices in School Cafeterias 

8. Physical activity opportunities in afterschool programs 

9. Report: Texas Fails To 'Get The Lead Out' Of Drinking Water In Schools 

10. CDC: Water Access in Schools 

11. Lead Testing in Schools 

12. Texas-Social-Emotional Learning or Character Development 

13. Texas-K-12 curriculum—health eating/nutrition: Curricula 

14. CDC: Adolescent and School Health 

15. Increasing Access to Drinking Water in Schools 

16. Salad Bars to Schools 

17. Child and School Health 

18. Coordinated School Health Requirements and Approved Programs 

19. National School Lunch Program 

20. School Breakfast Program 

21. Texas Department of Agriculture: Food and Nutrition 

22. CDC Health Schools: School Meals 

23. CDC Healthy Schools: Promoting Healthy Behaviors 

24. CDC Healthy Schools: Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child 

25. Healthier Schools & Latino Kids: A Research Review 

26. Food & Latino Kids: A Research Review 

27. Active Spaces & Latino Kids: A Research Review 

28. Sugary Drinks & Latino Kids: A Research Review 

29. School Health and Related Services 

30. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program 

31. CDC Healthy Schools Physical Education   

32. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Framework   

33. Texas Educations Agency’s Effective Schools Framework  

34. School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Children’s Health  

35. Texas Education Agency’s Local Wellness Policy Template   

36. Texas Education Agency’s Template to Guide Implementation of Local Wellness Policies  

37. Institute of Medicine Report on School-based Physical Activity  

38. SHAPE of the Nation State Physical Activity Profile (Texas)  

39. The 2018 U.S. Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth

41. Alliance for a Healthier Generation Resources Page