86th Texas Legislative Session

2019 Texas Legislature Bill Tracker

Since the 2013 session, the Center has hosted a legislative bill tracker that identifies proposed bills related to child and adolescent health and to research taking place at the Center and the expertise of our faculty.

The 2019 legislative tracker is segmented into general categories: early childhood education, food policy, school/after-school care, tobacco/e-cigarettes, and more. Each legislative biennium, Center students and staff identify related bills as new bills are filed and the status of each bill as the session progresses. Each category of the legislative tracker is accompanied by relevant resources.

If there are any bills not included on this list that you feel the Center should be following, please feel free to let us know by contacting our Center Communication Specialist, Kate Neal.

Latest News

New bill would crack down on e-cigarette sales to Texas minors
KXAN - March 4, 2019
AUSTIN (KXAN) -  A new bill filed in the Texas legislature aims to make it harder for minors to buy e-cigarettes. Senate Bill 1332 would hold e-cigarettes to the same regulatory and permitting requirements as traditional tobacco products.

Texas Legislative Glossary

2019 Texas Legislature Dates of Interest

Monday, November 12, 2018: First day legislators and legislators-elect may file bills for the 86th Legislature (House Rule 8, Sec. 7; Senate Rule 7.04(a)) 86th Legislature: Regular Session

Tuesday, January 8, 2019: (1st day) 86th Legislature convenes (Sec. 5(a), Article III, Texas Constitution; Sec. 301.001, Government Code)

Upon the convening of the 86th Legislature: The comptroller of public accounts delivers the Biennial Revenue Estimate to the governor and the 86th Legislature (Sec. 49a, Article III, Texas Constitution; Sec. 403.121, Government Code)

Monday, January 14, 2019: LBB budget estimates delivered to the governor and the 86th Legislature (Sec. 322.008(c), Government Code)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019: LBB general appropriations bill delivered to the governor and the 86th Legislature (Sec. 322.008(d), Government Code)

Before the governor’s State of the State address to the 86th Legislature: The governor delivers the governor’s budget to the 86th Legislature (Sec. 401.046, Government Code)

Friday, March 8, 2019: (60th day) Deadline for the unrestricted filing of bills and joint resolutions other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and emergency matters submitted by the governor (Sec. 5(b), Article III, Texas Constitution; House Rule 8, Sec. 8; Senate Rule 7.07(b); Senate Rule 10.01 subjects joint resolutions to the rules governing proceedings on bills)

Monday, May 27, 2019: (140th day) Last day of 86th Legislature (sine die) (Sec. 24(b), Art. III, Texas Constitution) Interim

Sunday, June 16, 2019: (20th day following final adjournment of 86th Legislature, Regular Session) Last day the governor may sign or veto bills passed during the regular session (Sec. 14, Art. IV, Texas Constitution)

Monday, August 26, 2019: (91st day following final adjournment of 86th Legislature, Regular Session) Date that bills without specific effective dates, other than bills with immediate effect, become law (Sec. 39, Art. III, Texas Constitution)