Resource Guide: Physical Fitness and Activity Research
Published: May 3, 2024
This May, celebrate National Physical Fitness and Sports Month by learning how to incorporate movement into your daily life! We have collected our faculty’s extensive research on physical activity to make fitness achievable for your family. Read on for the science behind why physical activity is so important!
The Center has extensive research and resources related to movement and healthy weight, two factors that play a role in overall physical fitness.
Our esteemed physical activity researchers have hosted several webinars about the importance of physical activity to whole health. Of particular note is the past Active Texas 2030 webinar series led by Dr. Bill Kohl that highlighted sector strategies and tactics in the national plan to create a Texas-specific plan.
Active Texas 2030: Faith-Based Sector
Active Texas 2030: Public Health Sector
Active Texas 2030: Media & Communications Sector
Active Texas 2030: Transportation, Land Use, and Community Design Sector
Active Texas 2030: Business and Industry Sector
Youth/Child Cardiovascular and Environmental Health: Perspectives from South America
Physical Activity, Planetary Health & Equity Building Synergies to Maximize Impact