Child Physical Activity

The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living is developing a series of reports, Healthy Children, Healthy State, to raise awareness of child health risk factors in order to develop new programs and actions, and to build on current initiatives in Texas. The Child Physical Activity in Texas one-pager showcases the current state of physical activity for children in Texas.

This report was released on June 11, 2019.  It was last updated on December 2, 2021 and utilizes the 2019-2020 TX SPAN data. 

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80.4% of Texas youth don't meet guidelines of 60+ minutes of physical activity daily. We must improve child physical activity in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth #HealthyChildrenHealthyState

Only 45% of middle schools allow students to use gym facilities and equipment outside of school hours. We must improve child physical activity in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth #HealthyChildrenHealthyState


Only 14.7% of 11th grade girls get 60+minutes of physical activity every day. We must improve child physical activity in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth

A lack of physical activity in childhood has lifetime consequences. We must improve child physical activity in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth

See the previous report utilizing 2015-2016 SPAN data here.