School-Based-Health-button-293x300School Health

We develop, implement, and evaluate school-based health programs which provide children with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve healthy and productive lives.

Connection to nature is associated with social-emotional learning of children

Lanza, K., Alcazar, M., Chen, B., & Kohl III, H. W. (2022). Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 100083.

Association of Walking and Biking to School Policies and Active Commuting to School in Children

Ganzar, LA, Burford, K, Zhang, Y, Gressett, A, Kohl, HW., & Hoelscher. DM.. (2023). Association of Walking and Biking to School Policies and Active Commuting to School in Children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Design for a cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effects of the CATCH Healthy Smiles school-based oral health promotion intervention among elementary school children

Chuang, R. J., Byrd-Williams, C., Yamal, J. M., Johnson, K., Kelder, S., Nelson, S., Mofleh, D., & Sharma, S. V. (2022). Contemporary clinical trials communications, 30, 101033.

Effects of a school-based garden program on academic performance: A cluster randomized controlled trial

Davis, J. N., Nikah, K., Landry, M. J., Vandyousefi, S., Ghaddar, et al. (2022). Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, S2212-2672(22)00931-5. Advance online publication.

Food insecurity among low-income households with children participating in a school-based fruit and vegetable co-op

Marshall, A., Chuang, R.J., Chow, J., Ranjit, N., Dave, J.M., et al. Children 2022, 9(8), 1250. Online publication.

Associations between variety of fruits and vegetables consumed, diet quality, and sociodemographic factors among 8th and 11th grade adolescents in Texas

Marshall, A. N., Ranjit, N., van den Berg, A., Gill, M., & Hoelscher, D. M. (2022). Public health nutrition, 1–25. Advance online publication.

Food insecurity and health-related concerns among elementary schoolteachers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Li, F., Parthasarathy, N., Zhang, F., Chuang, R. J., Mathur, M., et al. (2022). Preventing chronic disease, 19, E27.

Longitudinal changes in objectively-measured physical activity and sedentary time among school-age children in central Texas, US during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ganzar, L. A., Salvo, D., Burford, K., Zhang, Y., Kohl, H. W., 3rd, & Hoelscher, D. M. (2022). The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 19(1), 56.

Remote versus in-person learning during COVID-19: Comparison of e-cigarette susceptibility and ever use among a diverse cohort of 6th grade students in Texas

Mantey, D. S., Omega-Njemnobi, O., Ruiz, F. A., Chen, B., Springer, A. E., & Kelder, S. H. (2022). official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, ntac084. Advance online publication.

A cross-sectional study analyzing predictors of perceived stress among elementary school teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Parthasarathy, N., Li, F., Zhang, F., Chuang, R. J., Mathur, M., et al. (2022). Workplace health & safety, 70(4), 180–187.

Effects of large-scale municipal safe routes to school infrastructure on student active travel and physical activity: Design, methods, and baseline date of the Safe Travel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools (STREETS) natural experiment.

Hoelscher, D. M., Ganzar, L. A., Salvo, D., Kohl, H. W., 3rd, Pérez, A., et al. (2022). International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(3), 1810.

Who travels where: Behavior of pedestrians and micromobility users on transportation infrastructure

Lanza, K., Burford, K., Ganzar, L.A. (2022). Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 98, 2022, ISSN 0966-6923

Harmonizing ratings from different school environment assessment methods: A simplified approach

Zhao, X., Lee, R. E., Ledoux, T. A., Hoelscher, D. M., McKenzie, T. L., & O'Connor, D. P. (2022). The Journal of school health, 92(1), 92–98.

Development and feasibility testing of CATCH Healthy Smiles, an oral health promotion intervention for prevention of dental caries among elementary school children

Sharma, S. V., Kelder, S., Yamal, J. M., Chuang, R. J., Byrd-Williams, C., et al. (2022). The Journal of school health, 92(1), 20–30.

Further considerations on the association between flavored tobacco legislation and high school student smoking rates

Mantey, D. S., & Kelder, S. H. (2021). JAMA pediatrics, 175(12), 1290.

Sociodemographic factors associated with attendance to Brighter Bites, a school-based food co-op nutrition intervention for low-income families

Rushing M., Chuang RJ., Markham C., Sharma SV. (2021) J Health Dispar Res Pract. 14(3): 73-88.

School-Level Economic Disparities in Police-Reported Crimes and Active Commuting to School.

Burford, K.; Ganzar, L.A.; Lanza, K.; Kohl, H.W., III; Hoelscher, D.M. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10885. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182010885) PMCID: PMC8535774

School parks as a community health resource: Use of joint-use parks by children before and during COVID-19 pandemic

(Lanza, K., Durand, C. P., Alcazar, M., Ehlers, S., Zhang, K., & Kohl III, H. W. (2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.)

Use of School Wellness Policy Templates in One Texas Public Health Region: A Mixed-Methods Analysis

(Szeszulski, J., Walker, T. J., McCurdy, S. A., & Hoelscher, D. M. (2021). Journal of School Health.)

Use of School Wellness Policy Templates in One Texas Public Health Region: A Mixed Methods Analysis.

(Szeszulski, J., Walker, T. J., McCurdy, S. A., & Hoelscher, D. M. (2021). Journal of School Health.)

School-based gardening, cooking and nutrition intervention increased vegetable intake but did not reduce BMI: Texas Sprouts - a cluster randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Davis, J.N., Pérez, A., Asigbee, F.M., Landry, M.J., Vandyousefi, S., Ghaddar, R., Hoover, A., Jeans, M., Nikah, K., Fischer, B., Pont, S.J., Richards, D., Hoelscher, D.M., Van den Berg, A.E. (2021) School-based gardening, cooking and nutrition intervention increased vegetable intake but did not reduce BMI: Texas Sprouts - a cluster randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Jan 23;18(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01087-x. [PMC7825209]

Cross-sectional relationship between regular bedtime and weight status and obesity-related behaviors among preschool and elementary school children: TX CORD study

Haidar, A., Sharma, S. V., Durand, C. P., Barlow, S. E., Salahuddin, M., Butte, N. F., & Hoelscher, D. M. (2021). Childhood obesity (Print), 17(1), 26–35.

Effects of trees, gardens, and nature trails on heat index and child health: design and methods of the Green Schoolyards Project

(Lanza, K., Alcazar, M., Hoelscher, D.M. et al. BMC Public Health 21, 98 (2021).)

Long-term impact of a school-based nutrition intervention on home nutrition environment and family fruit and vegetable intake: A two-year follow-up study

Marshall A.*, Markham C, Ranjit N, Bounds G, Chow J, Sharma SV. Preventive Medicine Reports. Available online 18 November 2020, 101247

Adiposity, cardiovascular, and health-related quality of life indicators and the reallocation of waking movement behaviors in preschool children with overweight and obesity: An isotemporal data analysis

Dooley E, Gabriel KP, Kohl HW, Durand CP, Hoelscher DM, Byrd-Williams CE. Adiposity, cardiovascular, and health-related quality of life indicators and the reallocation of waking movement behaviors in preschool children with overweight and obesity: An isotemporal data analysis.

Self-reported history of concussions is associated with risk factors for suicide completion among middle school students: A cross-sectional study

Mantey DS, Omega-Njemnobi O, Kelder SH. Self-Reported History of Concussions is Associated with Risk Factors for Suicide Completion among Middle School Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2020 Oct 21.

A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Nutrition and Dietary Intervention for Early Care and Education Providers

Chuang RJ, Cox J, Sharma SV. A pilot randomized controlled trial of a nutrition knowledge and dietary habits intervention targeting Early Care and Education providers. J. of School Health. 21 September, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/josh.12951

TX Sprouts: A School-Based Cluster Randomized Gardening, Nutrition, and Cooking Intervention: Effects on Obesity, Blood Pressure and Diet

(Davis, J.N., Nikah, K., Asigbee, F.M.,Landry, M.J., Vandyousefi, S., Hoover, A., Jeans, M., Pont, S.J., Hoelscher, D.M., Van den Berg, A.E., Fischer, B., Pérez, A. (2020) Current Developments in Nutrition. 3(S2):1296 [PMID: forthcoming]]. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa059_013)

Cross-site process evaluation results for the early childhood education center setting: CORD study

Ledoux, T., Thompson, D., O'Connor, T., Avery, D., Kochi, C., et al. (2020). Childhood obesity (Print), 16(5), 350–357.

A middle school program to prevent e-cigarette use: A pilot study of "CATCH My Breath"

Kelder, S. H., Mantey, D. S., Van Dusen, D., Case, K., Haas, A., & Springer, A. E. (2020). Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 135(2), 220–229.

Impact of a Pilot School-Based Nutrition Intervention on Fruit and Vegetable Waste at School Lunches

Sharma, S., Marshall, A., Chow, J., Ranjit, N., Bounds, G., et al. (2019). Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 51(10), 1202-1210.

Design and participant characteristics of TX sprouts: A school-based cluster randomized gardening, nutrition, and cooking intervention

Davis, J., Nikah, K., Asigbee, F. M., Landry, M. J., Vandyousefi, S., et al. (2019). Contemporary clinical trials, 85, 105834.

Validity and Reliability of an Expanded Vegetable Questionnaire Among Elementary School Children

Landry, M. J., Ranjit, N., Hoelscher, D. M., Asigbee, F. M., Vandyousefi, S., et al. (2019). Current developments in nutrition, 3(8), nzz080.

Design of process evaluation within the Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH).

McGraw, S. A., Stone, E. J., Osganian, S. K., Elder, J. P., Perry, C. L., et al. (1994). Health education quarterly, Suppl 2, S5–S26.

Exploring physical activity engagement in secondary school students in Montevideo, Uruguay: A qualitative study

Parobii, I., Springer, A. E., Harrell, M. B., Gomensoro, L. M., Fresco, M. T., et al. (2018). International journal of child and adolescent health, 11(1), 47–56.

School socioeconomic disparities in e-cigarette susceptibility and use among central Texas middle school students

Springer, A. E., Davis, C., Van Dusen, D., Grayless, M., Case, K. R., et al. (2018). Preventive medicine reports, 11, 105–108.

Does the CATCH Early Childhood Program Increases Vigorous Physical Activity among Low-Income Preschoolers? – Results from a Pilot Study

Chuang, R. J., Sharma, S. V., Perry, C., & Diamond, P. (2018). American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 32(2), 344–348.

Structuring Process Evaluation to Forecast Use and Sustainability of an Intervention: Theory and Data From the Efficacy Trial for Lunch Is in the Bag

Roberts-Gray, C., Sweitzer, S. J., Ranjit, N., Potratz, C., Rood, M., et al. (2017). Health Education & Behavior, 44(4), 559-569.

Implementation of a Computerized Tablet-Survey in an Adolescent Large-Scale, School-Based Study

Delk, J., Harrell, M. B., Fakhouri, T., Muir, K. A., & Perry, C. L. (2017). The Journal of school health, 87(7), 506–512.

Examining the impact of a school-based fruit and vegetable co-op in the Hispanic community through documentary photography

Alcazar, L., Raber, M., Lopez, K., Markham, C., & Sharma, S. (2017). Appetite, 116, 115–122.

Adequacy of Parent-Packed Lunches and Preschooler's Consumption Compared to Dietary Reference Intake Recommendations

Romo-Palafox, M. J., Ranjit, N., Sweitzer, S. J., Roberts-Gray, C., Byrd-Williams, C. E., et al. (2017). Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 36(3), 169-176.

Impact of school-based vegetable garden and physical activity coordinated health interventions on weight status and weight-related behaviors of ethnically diverse, low-income students: Study design and baseline data of the Texas, Grow! Eat! Go!

(Evans A, Ranjit N, Hoelscher D, Jovanovic C, Lopez M, McIntosh A, Ory M, Whittlesey L, McKyer L, Kirk A, Smith C, Walton C, Heredia N, Warren J; BMC Public Health; 2016)

Evaluating a school-based fruit and vegetable co-op in low-income children: a quasi-experimental study

(Sharma, S. V., Markham, C., Chow, J., Ranjit, N., Pomeroy, M., & Raber, M; Preventive Medicine; 2016)

Previous gardening experience and gardening enjoyment is related to vegetable preferences and consumption among low-income elementary school children

(Evans A, Ranjit N, Fair CN, Jennings R, Warren JL; J Nutr Educ Behav; 2016)

Efficacy of the Lunch Is in the Bag Intervention to Increase Parents' Packing of Healthy Bag Lunches for Young Children: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Early Care and Education Centers

(Roberts-Gray C, Briley M, Ranjit N, Byrd-Williams C, Sweitzer SJ, Sharma SV, Romo-Palafox M, Hoelscher DM; International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 2016)

A Contextual Look at Safe Routes to School Implementation in Texas

(Atteberry H, Dowdy D, Oluyomi A, Nichols D, Ory MG, & Hoelscher DM; Environment & Behavior; 2016)

Effects of Funding Allocation for Safe Routes to School Programs on Active Commuting to School and Related Behavioral, Knowledge, and Psychosocial Outcomes: Results From the Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE) Study

(Hoelscher DM, Ory MG, Dowdy D, Miao J, Atteberry H, Nichols D, Evans A, Menendez T, Lee C, & Wang S; Environment & Behavior; 2016)

Using Family-Focused Garden, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Programs To Reduce Childhood Obesity: The Texas! Go! Eat! Grow! Pilot Study

(Spears-Lanoix EC, McKyer EL, Evans A, McIntosh WA, Ory M, Whittlesey L, Kirk A, Hoelscher DM, Warren JL; Childhood Obesity, 2015)

Effectiveness of the Lunch Is in the Bag Program on Communication Between the Parent, Child and Child-Care Provider Around Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grain Foods: A Group-Randomized Controlled Trial

(Sharma SV, Rashid T, Ranjit N, Byrd-Williams C, Chuang RJ, Roberts-Gray C, Briley M, Sweitzer S, Hoelscher DM; Preventive Medicine; 2015)

Dietary quality of preschooler's sack lunches as measured by the Healthy Eating Index

Romo-Palafox MJ, Ranjit N, Sweitzer SJ, Roberts-Gray C, Hoelscher DM, Byrd-Williams CE, Briley ME; Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; 2015)

Effects of the Quest to Lava Mountain Computer Game on Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors of Elementary School Children: A Pilot Group-Randomized Controlled Trial

(Sharma SV, Shegog R, Chow J, Finley C, Pomeroy M, Smith C, Hoelscher DM; Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; 2015)

Bullied Status and Physical Activity in Texas Adolescents

(Case KR, Pérez A, Saxton DL, Hoelscher DM, Springer AE; Health Educ Behav; 2015)

Development of a method to observe preschoolers' packed lunches in early care and education centers

(Sweitzer SJ, Byrd-Williams CE, Ranjit N, Romo-Palafox MJ, Briley ME, Roberts-Gray CR, Hoelscher DM; Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Dietetics; 2015)

Feasibility and Acceptability of Brighter Bites: A Food Co-Op in Schools to Increase Access, Continuity and Education of Fruits and Vegetables Among Low-Income Populations

(Sharma S, Helfman L, Albus K, Pomeroy M, Chuang RJ, Markham C; Journal of Primary Prevention; 2015)

The association between state bans on soda only and adolescent substitution with other sugar-sweetened beverages: A cross-sectional study

(Taber DR, Chriqui JF, Vuillaume R, Kelder SH, Chaloupka FJ; The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 2015)

The Science of Childhood Obesity: An Individual to Societal Framework

UTHealth researchers published eight new articles, including an introduction from the regional dean, as part of a special obesity issue of the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. The issue provides insights into how to solve the child obesity epidemic and close the gap in our current understanding of its causes.

School-level economic disadvantage and obesity in middle school children in central Texas, USA: A cross-sectional study

(Springer AE, Li L, Ranjit N, Delk J, Mehta K, Kelder SH; International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 2015)

Educational outcomes associated with childhood obesity in the United States: Cross-sectional results from the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health

(Carey FR, Singh GK, Brown HS 3rd, Wilkinson AV; Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 2015)

School social cohesion, student-school connectedness, and bullying in Colombian adolescents

(Springer AE, Cuevas Jaramillo MC, Ortiz Gómez Y, Case K, Wilkinson A; Global Health Promotion; 2015)

How Local and State Regulations Affect the Child Care Food Environment: A Qualitative Study of Child Care Center Directors' Perspectives

Byrd-Williams CE, Camp EJ, Mullen PD, Briley ME, Hoelscher DM; Infant, Child & Adolescent Nutrition; 2015)

Implementation of strategies to increase adolescents’ access to fruit and vegetables at school: process evaluation findings from the Boost study

(Aarestrup AK, Jorgensen TS, Hoelscher DM, Due P, Krolner R; BMC Public Health; 2015)

Incorporating primary and secondary prevention approaches to address childhood obesity prevention and treatment in a low-income, ethnically diverse population: Study design and demographic data from the Texas TX CORD Study

(Hoelscher DM, Butte NF, Barlow S, Vandewater EA, Sharma SV, Huang T, Finkelstein E, Pont S, Sacher P, Byrd-Williams C, Oluyomi AO, Durand C, Li L, Kelder SH; Childhood Obesity; 2015)

Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Home Food Environment Explain Disparities in Dietary Practices of Middle School Children in Texas

(Ranjit N, Evans AE, Springer AE, Hoelscher DM, Kelder SH; 2015)

Promoting teacher adoption of physical activity breaks in the classroom: Findings of the Central Texas CATCH Middle School Project

(Delk J, Springer, AE, Kelder, SH, Conklin, M; Journal of School Health, 2014)

Feasibility and Acceptability of a Gardening-based Nutrition Education Program in Preschoolers from Low-income, Minority Populations

(Sharma SV, Hedberg AM, Skala K, Chuang RJ, Lewis TM; Journal of Early Childhood Research; 2014)

Retrospective evaluation of factors that influence the implementation of CATCH in southern Illinois schools.

(Bice MR, Brown SL, & Parry T. (2014). Health promotion practice, 15(5), 706-713.)

How state taxes and policies targeting soda consumption modify the association between school vending machines and student dietary behaviors: a cross-sectional analysis

(Taber DR, Chiriqui JF, Vuillaume R, Chaloupka FJ; PLOS ONE; 2014)

Parental safety concerns and active school commute: correlates across multiple domains in the home-to-school journey

(Oluyomi AO, Lee C, Nehme E, Dowdy D, Ory MG, Hoelscher DM; Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act; 2014)

TCOPPE School Environmental Audit Tool: Assessing Safety and Walkability of School Environments

(Lee CD, Ory MG, HyungJin, Dowdy D, Hoelscher DM; Journal of Physical Activity and Health; 2013)

Association between district and state policies and US public elementary school competitive food and beverage environments

(Chriqui JF, Turner L, Taber DR, Chaloupka FJ; JAMA Pediatrics; 2013)

Identifying state-level policy and provision domains for physical education and physical activity in high school

(Hales DH, Stevens JS Murray DM, Taber DR, Roberts A; International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 2013)

Promoting Energy-Balance Behaviors Among Ethnically Diverse Adolescents: Overview and Baseline Findings of the Central Texas CATCH Middle School Project

(Springer AE, Kelder SH, Byrd-Williams CE, Pasch KE, Ranjit N, Delk JE, Hoelscher DM; 2013)

Promoting physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption through a community-school partnership: The effects of Marathon Kids on low-income elementary school children in Texas

(Springer AE, Kelder SH, Ranjit N, Hochberg-Garrett H, Chow S, Delk J ; Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2012)

An intergenerational, volunteer-led approach to healthy eating and active living: CATCH Healthy Habits

(Teufel J, Holtgrave P, Dinman M, & Werner D. (2012). Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 10(2), 179-183.)

Environmental characteristics and student physical activity in PE class: findings from two large urban areas of Texas

(Skala KA, Springer AE, Sharma SV, Hoelscher DM, Kelder SH; J Phys Act Health; 2012)

Unbundling outcomes of a multilevel intervention to increase fruit, vegetables, and whole grains parents pack for their preschool children in sack lunches

(Briley ME, Ranjit N, Hoelscher DM, Sweitzer SJ, Almansour FD, Roberts-Gray CR ;American Journal of Health Education, 2012)

The Effects of Acculturation on Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics Among Hispanic Fourth-Grade Children in Texas Public Schools, 2004-2005

(Lind C, Mirchandani GG, Castrucci BC, Chavez N, Handler A, Hoelscher DM; J Sch Health; 2012)

Association between depressed mood and perceived weight in middle and high school age students: Texas 2004-2005

(Schiefelbein EL, Mirchandani GG, George GC, Becker EA, Castrucci BC, Hoelscher DM; Matern Child Health; 2012)

Associations of Physical Fitness and Academic Performance Among Schoolchildren

(Van Dusen DP, Kelder SH, Kohl, HW, Ranjit N, Perry CL; Journal of School Health, 2011)

Do trends in physical activity, sedentary, and dietary behaviors support trends in obesity prevalence in 2 border regions in Texas?

(Ezendam NP, Springer AE, Brug J, Oenema A, Hoelscher DH; J Nutr Educ Behav; 2011)

Physical activity, watching television, and the risk of obesity in students, Texas, 2004-2005

(Pérez A, Hoelscher DM, Springer AE, Brown HS, Barroso CS, Kelder SH, Castrucci BC; Prev Chronic Dis; 2011)

How to help parents pack better preschool sack lunches: Advice from parents for educators

(Sweitzer SJ, Briley ME, Roberts-Grey C, Hoelscher DM, Staskel DM, Almansour FD; Journal of Nutrition Behavior and Education, 2011)

Engaging Community Providers to Create More Active After-School Environments: Results From the Ontario CATCH Kids Club Implementation Project

(Sharpe EK, Forrester S, & Mandigo J. (2011). Journal of physical activity and health, 8(s1), S26-S31.)

From NIH to Texas schools: Policy impact of the Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) program in Texas

(Hoelscher DM, Springer AE, Menendez TH, Cribb PW, Kelder SH ; Journal of Physical Activity and Health , 2011)

Pilot-testing CATCH Early Childhood: A Preschool-based Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Program

(Sharma SV, Chuang RJ, Hedberg AM; Journal of School Health, 2011)

Physical activity participation by parental language use in 4th, 8th, and 11th grade students in Texas, USA

(Springer AE, Lewis K, Kelder SH, Fernandez ME, Barroso CS, Hoelscher DM; J Immigr Minor Health; 2010)

Dietary and activity correlates of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among adolescents

(Ranjit N, Evans MH, Byrd-Williams C, Evans AE, Hoelscher DM; Pediatrics; 2010)

A descriptive study of beverage consumption among an ethnically diverse sample of public school students in Texas

(Evans AE, Springer AE, Evans MH, Ranjit N, Hoelscher DM; J Am Coll Nutr; 2010)

Parental influences on television watching among children living on the Texas-Mexico border

(Springer AE, Kelder SH, Barroso CS, Drenner KL, Shegog R, Ranjit N, Hoelscher DM; Prev Med; 2010)

Reductions in Child Obesity Among Disadvantaged School Children With Community Involvement: The Travis County CATCH Trial

(Hoelscher DM, Springer AE, Ranjit N, Perry CL, Evans AE, Stigler M, Kelder SH; Obesity, 2010)

Observable weight distributions and children's individual weight assessment

(Brown HS III, Evans AE, Mirchandani GG, Kelder SH, Hoelscher DM; Obesity; 2010)

Prevalence of self-reported activity and sedentary behaviors among 4th-, 8th-, and 11th-grade Texas public school children: the school physical activity and nutrition study

(Hoelscher DM, Barroso C, Springer A, Castrucci B, Kelder SH; J Phys Act Health; 2009)

Television Viewing and Snacking Behaviors of Fourth- And Eighth-Grade Schoolchildren in Texas

(Vader AM, Walters ST, Harris TR, Hoelscher DM; Prev Chronic Dis; 2009)

Prevalence of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors by Metropolitan Status in 4th-, 8th-, and 11th-Grade Students in Texas, 2004-2005

(Springer AE, Hoelscher DM, Kelder SH, Castrucci B, Pérez A; Prev Chronic Dis; 2009)

Validating the food behavior questions from the elementary school SPAN questionnaire

(Thiagarajah K, Fly AD, Hoelscher DM, Bai Y, Lo K, Leone A, Shertzer JA; J Nutr Educ Behav; 2008)

Crime rates and sedentary behavior among 4th grade Texas school children

(Brown HS, Pérez A, Mirchandani GG, Hoelscher DM, Kelder SH; Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act; 2008)

Reproducibility of the school-based nutrition monitoring questionnaire among fourth-grade students in Texas

(Penkilo M, George GC, Hoelscher DM; J Nutr Educ Behav; 2008)

Differences in food consumption and meal patterns in Texas school children by grade

(Pérez A, Hoelscher DM, Brown HS, Kelder SH; Prev Chronic Dis; 2007)

School-based Programs: Lessons Learned From CATCH, Planet Health, and Not-On-Tobacco

(Franks AL, Kelder SH, Dino GA, Horn KA, Gortmaker SL, Wiecha JL, Simoes EJ. (2007). Preventing Chronic Disease,4(2), A33.)

Vitamin supplement intake is related to dietary intake and physical activity: The Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH).

(Reaves L, Steffen LM, Dwyer JT, Webber LS, Lytle LA, Feldman HA, & Osganian SK. (2006). Journal of the American dietetic association, 106(12), 2018-2023.)

Thumbnail image for 2019-2020 Texas SPAN Survey Overview

2019-2020 Texas SPAN Survey Overview

8/30/21 - View the 2019-2020 Texas SPAN Survey results overview.

Thumbnail image for School Health Terminology

School Health Terminology

9/09/2020 - The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living prepared an overview of school health terminology to aid parents, families, and community members getting engaged in school health.

Thumbnail image for CATCH My Breath E-Cigarette Prevention Program and UTHealth Research Study

CATCH My Breath E-Cigarette Prevention Program and UTHealth Research Study

7/6/2020 - We invite your child to join the CATCH My Breath Youth Focus Group.

Thumbnail image for Healthy Food Access Initiative Evaluation 2018 Report

Healthy Food Access Initiative Evaluation 2018 Report

6/27/19 - Access to affordable and quality fruits and vegetables (F&V) is a critical factor in the ability to consume a healthy diet. Learn more about the evaluation study of the Healthy Food Access Initiative in Austin with this annual report.

Thumbnail image for School Stakeholder Interview Project Recommendations

School Stakeholder Interview Project Recommendations

Read the recommendations learned from the School Stakeholder Interview Project.

Thumbnail image for School Stakeholder Interview Project Final Report

School Stakeholder Interview Project Final Report

This report outlines the purpose, methods, and results of the School Stakeholder Interview Project.

Thumbnail image for ¿Que Puedo Empacar En El Almuerzo De Mi Hijo?

¿Que Puedo Empacar En El Almuerzo De Mi Hijo?

2/12/18 - Mezcla y combina los grupos de alimentos de MiPlato. Imaginar en grupos de alimentos ayuda a asegurar que su hijo(a) reciba los nutrientes que e?l o ella necesita.

Thumbnail image for What Can I Pack In My Child's Lunch?

What Can I Pack In My Child's Lunch?

2/12/18 - Mix & match from MyPlate Food Groups. Thinking about lunched in food groups helps ensure your child gets the nutrients he or she needs.

Thumbnail image for Comida en las Fiestas Escolares

Comida en las Fiestas Escolares

9/15/2015 - La realidad de las fiestas escolares en un año.

Food at School Parties

9/15/15 - What one YEAR of school party food really looks like.

The Science of Childhood Obesity: An Individual to Societal Framework

7/27/15 - UTHealth researchers published eight new articles, including an introduction from the regional dean, as part of a special obesity issue of the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. The issue provides insights into how to solve the child obesity epidemic and close the gap in our current understanding of its causes.

The MD Anderson and CATCH Partnership to Advance Youth Cancer Prevention (PDF)

Slides from the 4/27/15 CATCH monthly webinar

GO, SLOW, WHOA Flowchart

4/1/15 - Follow this flowchart to learn how to make healthier food choices—try to eat more GO foods than SLOW foods, and eat WHOA foods in very small amounts.

Active Play-Active Learning Brain Breaks Guide

2/1/15 - In this guide, we present a range of easy-to-implement “Brain Breaks”- short activity dynamics that can be implemented by the teacher in the classroom setting. The guide is structured in two sections: 1.) General Brain Breaks that can be applied across classes and academic topic areas during any part of the day; and 2.) Academic-specific Brain Breaks that directly correlate to subjects.

Active Play-Active Learning Peer-Led Activity Guide

2/1/15 - The Peer-Led games process of Active Play Active Learning is a way to teach students leadership skills as well as social and emotional skills while they engage in physically active games.

Active Play-Active Learning Playground Marking Guide

2/1/15 - Playground markings are a good way to incorporate physical activity and active learning during recess time as well as class time. This guide includes the list of Playground Markings our team uses, and the simple curriculum that encourages active learning!

Thumbnail image for Our Kids Want to Walk the Walk

Our Kids Want to Walk the Walk

1/12/15 - This infographic shows findings and recommendations from the Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation Project.

Our Kids Want to Walk the Walk (PowerPoint)

1/10/15 - Download this PowerPoint version of the T-COPPE "Our Kids Want To Walk the Walk" infographic. Includes list of sources.

SPAN Survey Fact Sheets

9/1/14 - Download detailed 2009-2011 SPAN Survey results, sorted into one-page fact sheets by grade (4th, 8th, and 11th) and Health Service Region.

Child Obesity in Texas infographic

9/1/14 - Child obesity rates and statistics on obesity-related health behaviors from the 2009-2011 SPAN Survey.

Health Fits Into Every Day Infographic

8/31/14 - Health Fits Into Every Day: Tie in all of the CATCH "Health Fits Into Every Day" tip sheets with this infographic.

Health Fits into Every Day: Healthy Snacking Tip Sheet

8/30/14 - Learn about healthy "GO" snacks that help kids maintain energy and focus during the day.

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Haga que La Salud Forme Parte de Todos Sus Días: Botanas

8/30/14 - Conozca las botanas saludables "GO" que ayudan a los niños a mantener la energía y concentrarse durante el día.

Thumbnail image for Haga que La Salud Forme Parte de Todos Sus Días: Actividad Física

Haga que La Salud Forme Parte de Todos Sus Días: Actividad Física

8/30/14 - Aprenda cómo hacer que sus hijos estén activos durante al menos 60 minutos todos los días.

Thumbnail image for Haga que La Salud Forme Parte de Todos Sus Días: Desayuno

Haga que La Salud Forme Parte de Todos Sus Días: Desayuno

8/30/14 - Aquí hay consejos sobre cómo comer un desayuno saludable todos los días.

Health Fits into Every Day: Healthy Breakfast Tip Sheet

8/30/14 - Here are tips on how to eat a healthy breakfast every day.

Health Fits Into Every Day: Physical Activity Guide

8/30/14 - Learn how to get your kids active for at least 60 minutes every day.

Health Fits into Every Day: Water Tip Sheet

8/30/14 - Here are some tips on how to fit water into every day.

Leading Healthy Indicators for CATCH

2/1/14 - CATCH provides a comprehensive and coordinated framework to address many of the key Leading Health Indicators from Healthy People 2020.

Training on Measuring Heights & Weights

6/12/13 - In this video we demonstrate the proper protocol for conducting height and weight measurements.

Entrenamiento Para Medir Alturas y Pesos

6/1/13 - En este video se demuestra el protocolo adecuado para la realización de medidas de altura y peso.

Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School (2013)

The Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for strengthening and improving programs and policies for physical activity and physical education in the school environment—including before, during, and after school.

CATCH in IOM report on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention

5/1/12 - This excerpt from the 2012 Institute of Medicine report on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention discusses the evidence base for the CATCH program.

Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention (2012)

5/1/12 - The Institute of Medicine (IOM) evaluated prior obesity prevention strategies and identified recommendations to accelerate progress in obesity prevention. Center faculty, Drs. Steve Kelder and Bill Kohl, sat on the IOM committee that authored the 2012 report.

Stay Healthy-Eat Smart

9/1/10 - GO, SLOW and WHOA foods to help you stay healthy eat smart.

Eat Smart with CATCH

4/2/10 - Do you know your GO, SLOW, WHOA foods? This presentation can be used to help teachers, parents, and students learn about the CATCH program's GO, SLOW, WHOA stoplight system for categorizing foods.

"Eat Smart" con CATCH

4/2/10 - Conoces tus alimentos GO - SLOW - WHOA?

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Niños sanos aprenden mejor!

4/1/10 - Este volante para padres incluye consejos saludables del programa CATCH.

Thumbnail image for Escuelas Primarias de AISD y el Programa CATCH

Escuelas Primarias de AISD y el Programa CATCH

4/1/10 - Aprenda sobre los componentes clave del programa de la escuela primaria CATCH con este folleto.

Thumbnail image for Hábitos Sanos De CATCH En El Hogar

Hábitos Sanos De CATCH En El Hogar

4/1/10 - Este folleto contiene pasos simples que se sumarán a una gran diferencia en la salud de su familia.

CATCH Healthy Habits at Home

4/1/10 - This handout contains simple steps that will add up to a big difference in your family’s health. Be a CATCH MVP and select one or two new habits that are best suited for you and your family!

CATCH Your Students At Their Best

4/1/10 - This flyer for parents includes healthy tips from the CATCH program.

Your Elementary School and the CATCH Program

4/1/10 - Learn about the key components of the CATCH elementary school program with this handout.

Deanna Hoelscher Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, LD, CNS, FISBNPA
John P. McGovern Professor in Health Promotion and Austin Regional Dean, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences
Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living

Courtney Byrd-Williams Courtney Byrd-Williams, PhD
Assistant Professor, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences

Thumbnail image for Brighter Bites

Brighter Bites

This project is a collaborative effort to impact eating behavior among predominantly low-income families by introducing them to a routine distribution of fresh produce and corresponding education, ultimately to curb the childhood obesity epidemic.

Thumbnail image for CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health)

CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health)

CATCH is a research-based program designed to guide schools, families and children in healthy eating and physical activity.

Thumbnail image for CATCH Healthy Smiles

CATCH Healthy Smiles

CATCH Healthy Smiles teaches students why toothbrushing, flossing, dentist visits, and healthy food and drink choice are important to oral health. Students will learn and practice the skills necessary to maintain healthy smiles.

Central Texas Healthy Adolescent Project

The Central Texas Healthy Adolescent Project (CTHAP) is a community organization-led, school-based initiative aimed at promoting optimal health and reducing teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI) among middle and high school students in Austin and Travis County, Texas.

Thumbnail image for CO-CREATE


The CO-CREATE study aims to prevent overweight and obesity in adolescents by providing knowledge and infrastructure on policies to support making the healthiest choices the preferred ones.

Thumbnail image for Digital Physical Activity and Diet (dPAD) Collaborative

Digital Physical Activity and Diet (dPAD) Collaborative

The Digital Physical Activity and Diet (dPAD) Collaborative’s goal is to bring together researchers who are interested in addressing obesity, diet, and physical activity through technology-based research.

Thumbnail image for Green Schoolyards Project

Green Schoolyards Project

The Green Schoolyards Project determines how trees, gardens, and nature trails at elementary school parks in Austin, Texas, affect surrounding temperatures and child health.

Thumbnail image for Texas GROW! EAT! GO!

Texas GROW! EAT! GO!

This project will test the impact of several different programs on behaviors related to childhood obesity including, a hands-on family-focused gardening program and a fun school-based walking program for kids.

Thumbnail image for Texas School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (TX SPAN)

Texas School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (TX SPAN)

The Texas SPAN survey was established to track the prevalence of overweight and obese school-aged children in Texas.

Thumbnail image for Travis County CATCH Elementary School Project (Travis County CATCH)

Travis County CATCH Elementary School Project (Travis County CATCH)

The Travis County CATCH Elementary School Project (Travis County CATCH) was a school-based health promotion initiative aimed at promoting physical activity, healthy eating and obesity prevention among middle school students living in central Texas.