Child Nutrition

The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living is developing a series of reports, Healthy Children, Healthy State, to raise awareness of child health risk factors in order to develop new programs and actions, and to build on current initiatives in Texas. The Child Nutrition in Texas one-pager showcases the current state of nutrition for children in Texas.

This report was released on September 12, 2019. It was last updated on June 3, 2021 and utilizes the 2019-2020 Texas SPAN data. 

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Over 1.8 million Texas children don’t eat any vegetables on a given school day. We must improve child nutrition in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth #HealthyChildrenHealthyState

Over 90% of Texas children eat at least one sweet or salty snack a day. We must improve child nutrition in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth #HealthyChildrenHealthyState


Over 1.2 million Texas children don't eat any fruit on a given school day. We must improve child nutrition in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth

A healthy diet is associate with better physical, psychological, and social health. We must improve child nutrition in Texas. Learn more at go.uth.edu/TexasChildHealth

See the previous report utilizing 2015-2016 SPAN data here.