Resource Guide: Child Obesity Research

Published: September 10, 2024

September marks National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness about this significant public health issue affecting 1 in 5 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Improving child health is a cornerstone of the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living's mission, and we invite you to explore the Center's valuable resources focused on improving child and adolescent obesity throughout Texas, the US, and beyond.   


Youth with obesity face a higher lifetime risk of health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and depression. The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living offers numerous resources with practical strategies for combating obesity in young people. 

Texas School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (TX SPAN) is a statewide serial cross-sectional surveillance study that measures the health status of school-aged children by collecting state-representative data about their diets, activity levels, and other related behaviors. It is designed to be representative of the Texas school-aged populations in grades 2, 4, 8, and 11. NEW data from 2021-2023 are coming soon! 

Texas Child Health Status Reports are a series of user-friendly materials, including reports and one-pagers, that highlight the status of child health in Texas, with a focus on health disparities. NEW data are coming soon! 

Texas Child Health Toolkits help you learn about and advocate for child health at home, at school, and in your community. The toolkits help raise awareness of child health risk factors — including child obesity— to develop new programs and actions and build on current initiatives in Texas. 

Texas Research-to-Policy Collaboration (TX RPC) Resources provide data-driven informational documents tailored to legislative districts, offering valuable research for developing and implementing health policies across Texas.  

CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health) is a school-based health program designed to promote physical activity and healthy food choices and prevent tobacco use.  CATCH transforms a child’s environment, culture, and society by coordinating child health efforts across all aspects of the educational experience: classroom, food services, physical education, and family. 



The Center’s webinar archive houses expert discussions on a wide range of public health topics. Some recent presentations addressed child obesity: 

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Growing Healthier Communities Exploring the Health Impacts of Community Gardens 

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The Bike Trail to Health and Economic Prosperity 

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Physical Activity, Planetary Health & Equity Building Synergies to Maximize Impact 

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Best Practices in Youth Nutrition Education Webinar 

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Improving Weight Loss Maintenance: The International Weight Control Registry 

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World Obesity Day Summit 2022 

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Live Smart Texas World Obesity Day 

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Fetal Origins of Obesity: The Role of Nutrition and the Environment 

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Creating Healthier, More Resilient Kids Through Recess (Outdoor Play) 

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Addressing obesity at a population level: Integrating solutions for causes and contributors 

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The 87th Legislative Session, Interim Opportunities, and Updates on the Fight Against Obesity 
